Halaalate Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located on the north slope of Hala’alate Mt., Xinjiang. It was named by Hao Fuguang in 1964, and formally cited in The Paleozoic Erathem of Xinjiang in 1991.
Synonym: Hala'alate Fm
Lithology and Thickness
Volcanics and Claystone. Represented by the section of the Urho−Heshituologai Highway in Hoboksar, it is dominated by gray-green volcanic rock, intercalated with gray-black foliated silty mudstone, and with tuffaceous sandstone and limestone lenses. Exposed thickness 1898 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Uncertain: Fault contact to the underlying Xibeikulasi Fm
Upper contact
Conformable with the overlying Aladeyikesai Fm
Regional extent
Distributed only at Hala’alate Mt. of western Junggar, in a small range, with little variation in lithology
Brachiopods Enteletina undata, Echinoconchus fasciatus, Balakhonia silimica, Rotaia sp., Dielasma sp., Waagenoconcha sp., Kutorginella tentoria and Stenoscisma mzhalaica; Coral Hexaphyllia sp.; Fusulinids Pseudostaffella sp.; Eostaffella postmosquensis and Ozawanella sp.; Conodont Dechinognathus sp., as well as foraminifers, bryozoans, bivalves, etc.
Depositional setting
It is interpreted as littoral-neritic sediments
Additional Information